Canada: Revision of Food Guide

Canada's Food Guide is being revised to reflect new evidence and meet the needs…

Peru: Peanut Seed Imports from Egypt

The National Agrarian Health Service (SENASA) of Peru has notified the World…

Canada: MRLs Update

Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has announced the…

South Africa: Reduction of Sodium

The Department of Health of South Africa has notified the World Trade…

Meeting in Kollam (Kerala) to promote the INC Congress 2017

The Organizing Committee for Chennai 2017 hold a meeting in Kollam (Kerala) to…

Sial-Interfood Jakarta: A Platform to Expand to the South-East Asian Region

Aiming at exploring new regions within the South-East Asian food market, INC…

INC Pavilion's 5th edition at SIAL-Paris 2016

SIAL-Paris has seen the 5th edition of the INC Pavilion from 16 to 20 October…

USA: Assessment Rate for California Almonds

 The US Agricultural Service Market has reopened the comment period on the…

EU: Cyanogenic Glycosides in Raw Apricot Kernels and Bitter Almonds

As previously announced in Newsletter Nº 186, the Expert Committee on…

USA: Food Facility Registration Product Categories

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued the updated guidance that…