In December 2019, EFSA launched a public consultation on the Draft Scientific Opinion on the risks to public health related to the presence of ochratoxin A (OTA) in food (see previous post). The outcomes of the public consultation, can be consulted here.
The dietary OTA exposure was assessed using a total of 71,769 measurements of concentrations of OTA in foods submitted within the last 10 years (about 55% of the data came from Germany and the Netherlands). The proportion of left‐censored data (results below the limit of detection (LOD) or limit of quantification (LOQ)) was 75%.
The highest mean concentrations of OTA were recorded in the categories ‘Plant extract formula’, ‘Flavourings or essences’ (both containing liquorice extracts) and ‘Chili pepper’. The most important contributors to the chronic dietary exposure to OTA were ‘Preserved meat’, ‘Cheese’ and ‘Grains and grain‐based products’. Dried and fresh fruits such as grapes, figs and dates, as well as fruit juices and nectars, were also contributing to the exposure in some of the ‘Toddlers’ and ‘Other children’ groups, albeit, to a lesser extent than the three major categories. 
The panel concluded that the uncertainty in this assessment is high and risk may be overestimated.
EFSA Scientific Opinion. Risk assessment of ochratoxin A in food. EFSA Journal 2020;18(3):6040.

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