The California Department of Pesticide Regulation has proposed a regulatory action which would require growers to notify when certain pesticide applications near a school site are planned in the coming year, as well as a few days prior to the applications.In addition, the new rule would ban certain pesticide applications near school sites at certain times.The purpose of this proposed regulation is to:

  • provide minimum statewide standards for all agricultural pesticide applications near public school sites;
  • provide an extra margin of safety in case of unintended drift;
  • increase communication between growers and schools/child day care facilities, and
  • provide information to assist school sites in preparing for and responding to pesticide emergencies.

The schedule for public hearings is as follows:

  • November 15, 2016, at 6:00 p.m.
  • November 16, 2016, at 6:00 p.m.

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