Sustainability Update: November 2024
COP29: Standardized International Carbon Trading System Approved COP29, the…
Labeling Update: November 2024
Spain: Almond Producers Reach Collaboration Agreement with Nougat Regulatory…
INC Attends 37th European Trade Meeting in Hamburg
The meeting explored the future of import trade, from AI to procurement…
Upcycling commercial nut byproducts for food, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical applications: A comprehensive review
This article presents a comprehensive overview of upcycling commercial nut…
The Potential for Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning to Classify Internal Quality Defects in Macadamia Nuts
Tree nuts are rich in nutrients, and global production and consumption have…
Pecan-medicinal crops intercropping improved soil fertility and promoted interactions between soil microorganisms and metabolites
Background: Pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) Koch] is a widely cultivated…
Drought and heat stress interactions: Unveiling the molecular and physiological responses of Persian walnut
While numerous studies explored the response of walnut plants to drought stress…
Sustainable livelihoods through cashew cultivation: insights from smallholder farmers in the southern region of India
Cashew cultivation has emerged as an important agricultural activity in…
Comparative shelf-life study in dehydrated plums: use of potassium sorbate and its effect on microbial spoilage
Potassium sorbate is a preservative used to avoid microbial spoilage in…
INC Outreach Delegation Visits Latin America
The agenda included industry events and meetings with key institutions This…