International Peanut Forum 2016

International Peanut Forum represents an opportunity to meet with farmers,…

12th European Nutrition Conference. INC Symposium: 'New Findings on Nuts and Health'

The International Nut and Dried Fruit Council has organized a symposium to…

Kenya Foodex 2015

The 13th Kenya Foodex 2015, International Trade Exhibition to be held from…


Between 25 and 28 April 2016, Alimentaria will once again become an…

Expo Food Process 2015

Expo Food Process is the scenario aimed at enabling the exchange of…

2015 Almond Conference

Meet and network with influential industry members at workshops, on the trade…

2016 PTNPA Convention

The PTNPA represents the owners and operators of companies, large and small,…

WorldFood Azerbaijan 2016

WorldFood Azerbaijan has established itself as the Caspian Region's leading…

2nd Congress of the Federation of Societies of Nutrition

The INC organized the Symposium "Nuts and Cardiovascular Health", on…