The definition will inform the establishment of a maximum level for total aflatoxins
The Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods (CCCF) is poised to discuss a proposed definition of ready-to-eat peanuts at its 17th Session (CCCF17), which is being held in Panama City this week.
At its last meeting, in April 2023, the CCCF directed an Electronic Working Group (EWG) chaired by India to prepare a proposal on a clear definition for ready-to-eat (RTE) peanuts with a view to establishing a maximum level for total aflatoxins in RTE peanuts and categorizing occurrence data for consideration by the CCCF. The INC participates in the EWG alongside representatives of 22 countries and FoodDrinkEurope.
In December 2023, the EWG chair proposed the following definition and invited group members to provide feedback:
“RTE peanut includes raw shelled peanuts, raw in-shell peanuts, roasted in-shell peanuts, roasted/blanched shelled peanuts, fried shelled peanuts with or without skin, coated peanuts in all types of packaging (consumer or bulk) and any other products having preparation of more than 20% of peanuts.”
Several EWG members, including the United States, Canada, Brazil and the INC, submitted feedback on the definition proposed by the chair. The INC noted that the suggested definition could cause confusion, as it was merely a list of examples of peanut types/products and did not define the criteria used to select those products. The INC cited the definition of “ready-to-eat” used by the General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food and Feed (Codex Stan 193-1995) in the context of tree nuts (“not intended to undergo an additional processing/treatment that has proven to reduce levels of aflatoxins before being used as ingredients in foodstuffs, otherwise processed or offered for human consumption”) and advised using the same definition for RTE peanuts.
Based on feedback from EWG members, the definition was revised as follows:
“Ready-to-Eat Peanuts is a product intended for direct human consumption, not intended to undergo an additional processing/treatment that has proven to reduce levels of aflatoxins, before being used as ingredients in foodstuffs, otherwise processed, packed in all types of packaging such as consumer or bulk, labeled as ‘RTE Peanuts’. Includes, but not restricted to: (i) raw shelled peanuts, (ii) raw in-shell peanuts, (iii) roasted in-shell peanuts, (iv) roasted/blanched shelled peanuts, (v) fried shelled peanuts with or without skin, (vi) coated peanuts, (vii) seasoned peanuts, (viii) smoked peanuts, (ix) salted and cooked peanuts, (x) peanut butter.”
At this week’s CCCF17 meeting in Panama, the Committee will consider the revised definition, taking into account the discussions and rationale of the EWG. If the definition is adopted, the Committee is expected to call for data from producing and importing countries on aflatoxin occurrence data in RTE peanuts as defined, and to re-convene the EWG to elaborate the maximum level for aflatoxins in RTE peanuts for consideration by the Committee next year at CCCF18.