Labeling Update: July 2024

USA: Hawaii Adopts New Labeling Requirements for Macadamias On July 3, 2024,…

Food Safety Update: July 2024

Australia: New BMSB Pre-Border Biosecurity Treatment Provider Scheme The…

Latest Trade News and Agreements: July 2024

Brazil: Opportunities for US Tree Nut Exporters A recent USDA GAIN report…

Sustainability Update: July 2024

USA: California to Vote on Climate-Resilience Funding On July 3, 2024,…

USDA Publishes New Grade Standards for In-shell and Shelled Pecans

First major revision since initial publication of the standards in 1969 The…

INC Participates in 55th Session of Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues

New MRLs were proposed for various commodities The 55th session of the Codex…

Food Safety Update: June 2024

EU: Commission Adopts MLs of Nickel in Nuts In February 2024, the Standing…

Labeling Update: June 2024

EU: New Marketing Standards Regulation to Enter Into Force in January…

Latest Trade News and Agreements: June 2024

Argentina: Peanut Export Requirements Eased On June 18, 2024, Argentina’s…

Sustainability Update: June 2024

Australia: Beehive Movement Restrictions in Place to Combat Varroa Mite…