INC is participating in the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR) Electronic Working Group on Priorities (eWG Priorities).The aim of this eWG is to review the current nominations, schedules and priority lists of pesticides of new and existing compounds, and provide a report for consideration in the next meeting of the CCPR (24-29 April 2017). The CCPR Schedules and Priority Lists document was distributed among the participants of the eWG Priorities in order to review the tables and provide comments if applicable and appropriate.The document contains the proposed schedule of new compounds for evaluation, new uses of existing compounds and other evaluations, and periodic review of existing compounds by 2017, 2018 and 2019.The key points of the document are:
- The CCPR Schedule of Pesticides for 2017 JMPR evaluations is closed for the addition of new compounds. However, additional commodities may be added to compounds listed on the 2017 schedule.
- The 2018 proposed schedule has 17 new compounds listed for evaluations, 54 compounds for new uses and other evaluations, and 8 periodic reviews. No further nominations can be accepted for 2018. As the maximum number of new compounds evaluations per year is eight, nine compounds have to be rescheduled to 2019.
- The 2019 and beyond Priority Lists are open for nominations.
For further information, please contact us at inc@nutfruit.org.