Brazil-Argentina-Uruguay: Information-Sharing Protocol Signed by Pecan Groups

At the 3rd South American Pecan Symposium, held from November 15-16, 2024, the Brazilian Pecan Institute (IBPecan) signed a protocol of intentions with Argentine and Uruguayan groups that will facilitate the sharing of information about the sector among the three countries. After signing the document, IBPecan President Eduardo Basso stressed the importance of internationalizing the region’s pecan sector, aligning with the standards and demands of the global market.

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China-Peru: Upgraded Free Trade Agreement and Phytosanitary Protocols for Pecans

China and Peru signed an upgraded free trade agreement on November 14, 2024, during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Peru for a meeting of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). During the same visit, phytosanitary protocols were signed for the export of Peruvian pecans and Brazil nuts to China.


Côte d’Ivoire: New Rules on Cashew Exports Adopted by Council of Ministers

On November 20, 2024, the Council of Ministers of Côte d’Ivoire adopted two new rules affecting cashew exports: 1) an ordinance setting a 5% single exit duty on raw cashew nut exports, and 2) a decree requiring cashew producers to obtain authorization from the Cotton and Cashew Council for the export of cashew products.


EU: Updated List of Control Bodies for Organics

The European Commission has published Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/2794, recognizing certain control bodies as competent to carry out controls and issue organic certificates in third countries for the purpose of importing organic products into the European Union.


Iran: EU Grants Six-Month Period to Resolve Pistachio Aflatoxin Issue

According to the Iranian news site Tabnak, on November 17, 2024, Iran’s Minister of Agriculture Gholamreza Nouri stated that there was no ban on Iranian pistachio imports into Europe. As per Tabnak, there had been recent reports that the EU has given Iran a six-month period to fix the issue. This statement came after concerns were raised over a potential ban on Iranian pistachio imports into the EU due to aflatoxin contamination.

On December 2, 2024, FRUCOM confirmed that the Commission had decided not to ban imports of Iranian pistachios for at least six months. During this period, the effectiveness of measures taken by Iran will be assessed and control frequencies will be more than 50% in some EU Member States. If, at the end of the six-month period, the results are considered unsatisfactory, a ban will be imposed.


Kenya: High Court Suspends Directive on Macadamia Harvest

On November 15, 2024, the High Court of Kenya temporarily suspended the implementation of a directive that halted the harvesting of macadamias, as reported by The Standard. The directive, issued in October by Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Andrew Karanja, banned the harvesting and export of raw macadamia nuts. The court’s decision was in response to a lawsuit by a farmers’ rights group.


Tanzania: Raw Cashew Nuts to Be Sold Via Tanzania Mercantile Exchange

Tanzania will sell its cashews through the Tanzania Mercantile Exchange (TMX), a commodity exchange founded in 2014, as reported by The East African. Under the new system, raw cashew nuts will be sold via special auction markets created by the government in October 2024.


Tanzania: Mtwara Port to Handle All Cashew Shipments This Season

The Tanzania Ports Authority has announced that Mtwara, the country’s deepest port, will handle all cashew export shipments for the upcoming season, according to the Tanzanian newspaper Daily News. The announcement is in response to President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s directives that the port should be the only gateway for the maritime transport of cashews from the southern regions of Tanzania.


Uganda: Standard on Groundnut Kernels

Uganda has notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) that it adopted the draft East African Standard DEAS 888:2022 Raw, roasted and fried groundnuts — Specification as Uganda Standard US EAS 888:2023 Groundnuts kernels —Specification, Second Edition on August 6, 2024.


UK-India: Free Trade Talks to Resume in 2025

Following a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the G20 summit, the UK Prime Minister announced on November 18, 2024, that UK-India trade talks will relaunch in the new year.


UK: Extension of Tariff Suspension on Prunes

The UK Government has decided to extend the suspension of the 8% tariff on prunes (commodity code: 0813 2000 00) until June 30, 2026. According to a press release from the California Prune Board, the announcement was made on October 30, 2024 as part of a raft of extensions affecting UK imports of food.


USA: Marketing Assistance Program for Specialty Crops

On November 19, 2024, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the creation of the Marketing Assistance for Specialty Crops initiative, which will provide US$2 billion to assist specialty crop growers in maintaining a strong domestic supply and expanding market opportunities for their crops. Applications are expected to open in December 2024.

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