New MRLs were proposed for various commodities

The 55th session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR55) took place from June 3-8, 2024, in Chengdu, China. In addition to recommending Codex maximum residue levels (CXLs), the Committee discussed new active ingredients, new uses and compounds that need to be re-reviewed by the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting of the Pesticide Residues experts (JMPR), which is the risk assessment group to CCPR.

The Committee agreed on various new maximum residue levels (MRLs), which will now be sent to the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) for adoption in November:

Substance Commodity Proposed MRL (ppm)
Propiconazole Peanuts 0.03
Difenconazole Plums 4
Difenconazole Stone fruits 1.5
Clothianindin Tree nuts 0.01
Thiamethoxam Tree nuts 0.01
Cyantraniliprole Grapes, dried 3
Oxathiapiprolin Tree nuts 0.01
Iprodione Almonds 0.03
Florylpicoxanid Grapes, dried 7
Isocycloseram Apricots 0.03
Prunes 1.5
Mepiquat chloride Grapes, dried 20
Thiophanate-methyl Almonds 0.15

As for carbendazim (benomyl), all existing CXLs will be revoked at the next CCPR, including for apricots, grapes, peanuts, fresh plums and tree nuts, unless toxicological data are submitted by December of this year.

Regarding the CXLs for permethrin, which include almonds, currants, grapes, peanuts and pistachios, the Committee agreed to retain all CXLs for the time being, while awaiting JMPR review.

It was also proposed to revoke all existing CXLs for piperonyl butoxide due to the lack of new data provided. CCPR agreed to maintain the CXLs pending confirmation of the submission of a full data package for periodic review. If there is no commitment for data at the next CCPR, this compound and all related CXLs will be deleted from the Codex Database.

On the topic of methyl bromide, the Codex Secretariat notified CCPR that, after looking into the history of the current listed CXLs, levels were never actually established as CXLs but rather as “guidance” levels, which have no official standing in Codex. Several countries, along with the INC, noted the importance of methyl bromide for phytosanitary treatments. CCPR agreed to convert the existing levels to the Step process to give time to alert the registrants and see if they are willing to submit data.

For further information, see the draft meeting report and other meeting documents.

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