A recently study published in The Journal of Nutrition titled “Acute Peanut Consumption Alters Postprandial Lipids and Vascular Responses in Healthy Overweight or Obese Men” found a positive association between acute peanut consumption and endothelial function.In a randomized controlled trial, 15 healthy overweight or obese men consumed a shake containing 85g of peanuts and another shake as a control meal matched for energy and macronutrient content. Lipids, lipoproteins, glucose, and insulin were measured at different time points. And the results concluded that acute peanut consumption blunted the serum triglyceride after consumption compared with the control meal.The study concluded that the inclusion of 85g of peanuts as part of a high-fat meal improved the postprandial triglyceride response and preserved endothelial function in the participants.Liu, X., Hill, A., West, S., Gabauer R., McCrea, C., Fleming, J., Kris-Etherton, P. (2017). Acute Peanut Consumption Alters Postprandial Lipids and Vascular Responses in Healthy Overweight or Obese Men. The Journal of Nutrition

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