The INC co-sponsored, along with the California Prune Board, the symposium “Nut and Dried Fruit Consumption and the Prevention of Prevalent Diseases/Conditions”, which featured leading nutrition experts Dr. Emilio Ros from University of Barcelona (Spain), Prof. Anoop Misra, Director of the Diabetes Foundation, Fortis Centre of Excellence for Diabetes, Metabolic Diseases & Endocrinology (India), Prof. Linda Tapsell from the University of Wollongong (Australia), and Dr. Shirin Hooshmand from San Diego State University (USA).
Chaired by Dr. Emilio Ros, the symposium covered an array of topics, including the latest findings in nut consumption and diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and brain function, and also prune consumption and bone health. Guest speaker Dr. Emilio Ros spoke on the relation between nut consumption and brain function; Prof. Anoop Misra gave an overview of the efficacy of nuts for the prevention and management of diabetes; Prof. Linda Tapsell gave an update on the effects of nut consumption on cardiovascular disease; and Dr. Shirin Hooshmand talked about the effect of prunes on bone status and bone biomarkers.

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