USA Almond Crop Progress Report

The December 2020 Almond Board of California Position Report was published on January 12, 2021 and shows receipts of 2.869 billion lbs. (approx. 1,301,000 metric tons) crop year-to-date. The FY 20/21 crop is now the largest crop on record with additional receipts expected to be reported in the coming months. USDA receipts show an average inedible reject percentage of 1.38% which continues the trend of progressively cleaner crops following the 2017/18 crop year.
Total shipments August through December are up a staggering 22% from 2019/20 at 1.284 billion pounds (around 582,400 MT) which is commensurate with a total supply that is up 23% over the same period. Domestic shipments August through December are up 11.5% from last crop year to 332 million pounds (150,600 MT). Exports are up 26% over the same time period. All regional exports are up year-over-year except for the Middle East. Shipments to key markets India and China/Hong Kong are up 79% and 54% respectively when compared to the first 5 months of last crop year. Given robust commitments and adequate supply, shipments are expected to continue to break records in 2021 as we await bloom and the development of the FY 21/22 crop.

Australia Almond Crop Progress Report

The 2020 crop produced a record tonnage of 111,000 MT. The loss of bee hives in bush fires at the beginning of 2020, plus COVID-19 related travel restrictions within Australia, caused some concerns for the pollination season in August. Fortunately, beekeepers managed to replace hives and move enough to orchards in southern Australia for pollination to be completed successfully. As reported by the Almond Board of Australia, the growing conditions for the 2021 crop have been favorable. The size of the 2021 crop, to be harvested commencing in February, is forecast at 123,000 MT. The kernel size appears to be very good and this may increase the crop size above the forecast figure should harvest proceed well.
After a slow start to the marketing year for the 2020 crop, shipments picked up with monthly records set for September, October and November. Grower returns are being impacted by lower global almond prices and the stronger Australian dollar exchange rate against the US dollar. The Export Position Report shows 2020/21 shipments from March through November amounted to 66,522 MT (kernel weight equivalent). Asia Pacific was the main destination with 44,681 MT. Vietnam and India had year to date increments of 157% and 38% compared to the same period in 2019/20. Exports to Europe were 14,603 MT. Germany, the Netherlands (with a strong increment from the previous season) and Spain being the major European importers.

Spain Almond Crop Progress Report

As per AEOFRUSE, based on the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism of Spain data overall shipments YTD –August through November, including re-exports from other origins, conventional and organic; natural and processed almonds– added up to 44,600 MT, similar to the same period in 2019/20. The European Union remains as the leading destination, accounting for 87% of the share. While Germany was the top importer within the EU, the highest increments compared to 2019/20 were presented by Portugal and the Netherlands (13% each), Italy (11%) and France (9%).

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