Study Finds Eating a Walnut-Enriched Diet During Pregnancy Improves Child Neurodevelopment

Maternal nutrition plays a key role in neurodevelopmental outcomes In a study…

Nut Consumption Linked to Lower Risk of Death in People with Type 2 Diabetes

Eating nuts was associated with a 18% to 22% decrease in all-cause mortality…

Nut-Containing Diet Associated with Lower Risk of Heart Disease and Death

Higher intake of six key foods —including nuts— is linked to lower risk of…

Nut Consumption Associated with Lower Risk of Depression in Older Adults

Depression was less likely in participants who ate at least a handful of nuts…

Phytochemical Composition and Health Benefits of Figs

Regular fig consumption increases select micronutrient intake An article…

Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Walnuts

They offer a simple, cost-effective strategy for obtaining wide-ranging health…

Pistachios Have Key Role to Play in Meeting Protein Demands

This plant-based complete protein provides numerous nutrients and…

Frequent Nut Consumption Associated with Smaller Cognitive Decline

Participants who consumed three or more servings per week showed more favorable…

Nut Consumption Improves Brain and Peripheral Vascular Function, and Memory, New Study Finds

A recent INC-funded study, published in Clinical Nutrition[1], showed that…

Data Support the Use of Cranberry Products to Reduce UTI Risk

A new study published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews assessed…