Regular Intake of Brazil Nuts Shows Promise for Women With Overweight or Obesity
Eating Brazil nuts may control inflammation by enhancing antioxidant defenses A…
Nut Consumption May Be Beneficially Associated With Body Fat Distribution
High nut intake was also associated with greater microbial diversity A recent…
Eating Prunes Daily May Reduce Negative Bone Effects of Oral Contraceptives
The findings suggest that prunes offer health benefits for young women A new…
Peanut Allergy News Round-up
Recent developments offer hope for better allergy management Significant…
Study Suggests Dried Fruit Intake Could Reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk
The findings provided insights into daily primary prevention measures for type…
Research Finds Cashews May Reduce Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Adults on Weight-Loss Treatment
Participants who ate cashews also saw improvements in liver function……
Worldwide Adoption of Nut-Rich Diet Would Reduce Food-Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The decrease is primarily attributed to shifts from red meat to nuts and…
Comprehensive Review Compiles Myriad Health Benefits of Almonds
Almond consumption may improve cardiovascular disease risk factors, gut…
Study Finds Pistachios May Improve Cognitive Performance and Mood in Overweight Young Adults
Significant improvements in waist circumference and cholesterol were also…
Adherence to Planetary Health Diet May Reduce Risk of Death
This diet calls for consumption of nuts and fruits to more than double A study…