Study Highlights Options for Managing Tree Nut Allergy

Several approaches are available to improve health and quality of life in…

Eating Prunes May Help Prevent Increase in Belly Fat in Postmenopausal Women

Preventing changes in abdominal fat distribution may decrease risk of…

Prunes Associated with Bone-Protective Effects in Postmenopausal Women With Certain Gut Microbes

Several microbiome species may be involved in the bone-protective effects of…

India’s New Dietary Guidelines Include Nuts in Definition of “Healthy Meal”

Recommended daily intake of nuts is 40-45 grams for men and 30-40 grams for…

Almond Consumption May Improve Body Composition Indices and Hunger Scores

Eating at least 50 grams of almonds per day was associated with improvements…

Early Introduction of Peanut Associated With Lower Sensitization and Allergy

Younger siblings of peanut consumers fared better when peanut was introduced…

Nut Consumption During Pregnancy Associated With Lower Risk of Peer Problems in 5-Year-Olds

Study confirms relationship between maternal nut intake and childhood…

Meta-Analysis Estimates Prevalence of Tree Nut Allergy in Europe

The study looked at 32 studies over a 22-year period In a new study published…

Eating Cashews and Brazil Nuts May Boost Pathways Linked to Body Fat Reduction

Consumption of the nuts may also be linked to the augmentation of beneficial…

Prune Consumption May Help Preserve Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women

Eating prunes every day may help women mitigate bone loss in older age A newly…