Frequent Nut Consumption Associated with Smaller Cognitive Decline

Participants who consumed three or more servings per week showed more favorable…

Nut Consumption Improves Brain and Peripheral Vascular Function, and Memory, New Study Finds

A recent INC-funded study, published in Clinical Nutrition[1], showed that…

Data Support the Use of Cranberry Products to Reduce UTI Risk

A new study published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews assessed…

Nuts Are Associated with Overall Cardiovascular Disease Risk Reduction

A new study published in Advances in Nutrition set out to examine the…

New Study Suggests Macadamia Consumption Does Not Lead to Weight Gain

May 10, 2023. The Journal of Nutritional Science has recently published a study…

Study Identifies Vascular Health Benefits of Peanut Intake

Regular consumption of peanuts and peanut butter could improve vascular…

Regular Walnut Consumption May Improve Sustained Attention, Fluid Intelligence and ADHD Symptoms

Participants with the highest adherence to the intervention saw the most…

Two Studies Highlight Benefits of Preloading Major Meals with Almonds

A small premeal serving of almonds may help to delay or control conversion to…

Effect of Walnut Supplementation on Dietary Polyphenol Intake

Elderly people who added walnuts to their diet had higher levels of several…

Review Finds Metabolizable Energy Content of Nuts Is Lower Than Expected

The lower-than-expected metabolizable energy may explain the lack of…