In December 2016, INC launched the annual Call for Research Projects as well as the annual Call for Promotion and Dissemination Projects, both with due dates for submission February 28, 2017.The objective of the Call for Research Projects is to fund clinical, epidemiological, basic and/or strategic research that may contribute to enhance the understanding of the health effects of nuts and dried fruits. INC received a total of 27 applications from 15 countries (Australia, Brazil, Chile, Ethiopia, France, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy, México, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, UK and USA) whereas for the Call for Promotion and Dissemination Projects, which the main objective is to fund projects aimed at increasing the use and consumption of nuts and dried fruits, INC received 3 project proposals from 3 countries (Germany, Italy and South Africa).The Evaluating Committee of the INC World Forum for Nutrition Research and Dissemination will develop an academic prioritization of the projects. However, the final funding decision will be made by the INC Executive Committee, expected at the XXXVI World Nut and Dried Fruit Congress, in Chennai, India, May 19-21, 2017.