June 1 – 5, 2020


Monday 1  Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 Friday 5
Dried Cranberries,
Raisins & Prunes


June 8 – 12, 2020


Monday 8 Tuesday 9 Wednesday 10 Thursday 11 Friday 12
Pine Nuts

Dried Apricots,
Figs & Dates
    Brazil Nuts


Almonds Webinar – June 1, 2020

9am EST | 3pm CET | 6:30pm IST | 9pm HKT | 11pm AEST
Chaired by Brian Ezell, Vice President, Almond Division of Wonderful Pistachios and Almonds, USA.

  • Warren Choen, Blue Diamond Growers, USA
  • Craig Duerr, Campos Brothers, USA
  • Paul Thompson, Select Harvests, Australia
  • Antonio Pont Jr., Crisol de Frutos Secos, Spain

Duration: 1 hour.
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Walnuts Webinar – June 2, 2020

9am EST | 3pm CET | 6:30pm IST | 9pm HKT | 11pm AEST
Chaired by Bill Carriere, President, Carriere Family Farms, USA.

  • John Aguiar, Mariani Nut Company, USA
  • David Valenzuela, La Invernada, Chile
  • Serkan Görgülü, Tiryaki Agro, Turkey

Duration: 1 hour.


Pistachios Webinar – June 3, 2020

9am EST | 3pm CET | 6:30pm IST | 9pm HKT | 11pm AEST
Chaired by Behrooz Agah, Member of the Board of Trustees, Iran Pistachio Association, Iran.

  • Mike Hohmann, The Wonderful Company, USA
  • Serkan Görgülü, Tiryaki Agro, Turkey
  • Pino Calcagni, Besana Group, Italy
  • Cheng Hung Kay, CHK Trading Co., Ltd., Hong Kong

Duration: 1 hour.

Dried Cranberries, Raisins, & Prunes Webinar – June 4, 2020

9am EST | 3pm CET | 6:30pm IST | 9pm HKT | 11pm AEST
Chaired by Pedro Monti, Sales Manager, Prunesco, Chile.


  • Donn Zea, California Prune Board, USA
  • Osman Oz, Anatolia AS and Turkish Dried Fruit Exporters Union, Turkey
  • Simon Melik, Dried Fruit Alliance & UK National Dried Fruit Trade Association
  • Ferdie Botha, Raisins South Africa, South Africa
Duration: 1 hour.
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Macadamias Webinar – June 5, 2020

9am EST | 3pm CET | 6:30pm IST | 9pm HKT | 11pm AEST
Chaired by Jolyon Burnett, CEO, Australian Macadamia Society, Australia.

  • Pieter van der Westhuizen, Macadamias South Africa
  • Chen Yuxiu, Yunnan Macadamia Society, China
  • José Eduardo Camargo, QueenNut Macadamia, Brazil
  • Cheng Hung Kay, CHK Trading Co., Ltd., China-Hong Kong

Duration: 45 minutes.

Peanuts Webinar – June 8, 2020

9am EST | 3pm CET | 6:30pm IST | 9pm HKT | 11pm AEST
Chaired by Louise McKerchar, Vice President, European Marketing Director,  American Peanut Council, USA.

  • Dr. Samara Sterling, The Peanut Institute, USA
  • Mike Davis, Olam Peanut Shelling Company, USA
  • Alessandro Annibali, New Factor, Italy

Duration: 45 minutes.

Dried Apricots, Figs, & Dates Webinar – June 8, 2020

11am EST | 5pm CET | 8:30pm IST | 11pm HKT | 1am AEST +1
Chaired by Guillaume Pagy, General Manager, Pagysa, Turkey.

  • Ahmed Boujbel, Boudjebel, Tunisia
  • Ogan Ceryan, Anatolia AS, Turkey
  • Michele Murano, Murano S.p.A., Italy
  • Verne Powell, Great Lakes International Trading, USA

Duration: 1 hour.

Cashews Webinar – June 9, 2020

9am EST | 3pm CET | 6:30pm IST | 9pm HKT | 11pm AEST
Chaired by Hari Nair, President, Western India Cashew Company, India.

  • Rahul Kamath, Bola Surendra Kamath and Sons, India
  • Vu Thai Son, Long Son Joint Stock Company, Vietnam
  • Marc Rosenblatt, The Richard Franco Agency, USA
  • Jan Vincent Rieckmann, August Töpfer & Co., Germany

Duration: 1 hour.

Hazelnuts Webinar – June 10, 2020

9am EST | 3pm CET | 6:30pm IST | 9pm HKT | 11pm AEST
Chaired by Ufuk Özongun, Board Member, Istanbul Exporters' Association, Turkey.

  • Ilyas Edip Sevinç, Black Sea Exporters Association, Turkey
  • Riccardo Calcagni, Besana Group, Italy
  • Tommaso de Gregorio, Ferrero Hazelnut Company
  • Larry George, Northwest Hazelnut Company & George Packing Company, USA

Duration: 1 hour.

Pine Nuts Webinar – June 11, 2020

9am EST | 3pm CET | 6:30pm IST | 9pm HKT | 11pm AEST
Chaired by Wim Leeuwenburgh, Managing Director, Rhumveld Winter and Konijn BV, Netherlands.

  • Chen Ying, China Chamber of Commerce, China
  • Dan Phipps, President and CEO, Red River Foods, USA
  • Andrei Mikhailenko, Siberian Pine Nuts, Russia
  • Riccardo Calcagni, Besana Group, Italy

Duration: 45 minutes.

Brazil Nuts Webinar – June 11, 2020

11am EST | 5pm CET | 8:30pm IST | 11pm HKT | 1am AEST +1
Chaired by David Rosenblatt, President, The Richard Franco Agency, USA.

  • Tony Nguyen, The Kraft Heinz Company, USA
  • Edward Danon, Voicevale, UK
  • Enrique Nelkenbaum, Tahuamanu, Bolivia
  • José Belicha, Caiba Ind. e Com. S/A, Brazil

Duration: 45 minutes.

Pecans Webinar – June 12, 2020 

9am EST | 3pm CET | 6:30pm IST | 9pm HKT | 11pm AEST
Chaired by Jeffrey Sanfilippo, CEO, John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc, USA.

  • Andreas Snyman, GWK Limited, South Africa
  • Ricardo Martínez Cobian, Pecaninis, Mexico

Duration: 45 minutes.

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