INC Academia: Take the Next Step in Your Professional Development
Plus, get 2×1 if you enroll now!
If you want to take the next step in your professional development and master the world of nuts and dried fruits, look no further than the INC Academia, the best education for the sector. This year’s edition is starting September 15 and provides students with tailored learning options to suit individual needs. Plus, if you enroll two people on the online basic or advanced course before August 31, 2023, we’re offering a 2×1 discount which means saving up to €1,200. So what are you waiting for? [Enroll now!]
Join the INC Pavilion at Gulfood
Apply before September 1, 2023 for early-bird rates!
The INC Pavilion will be at Gulfood, Dubai on February 19-23, 2024. In a high-traffic location with exposure that is second to none, become a co-exhibitor and take this opportunity to cultivate existing relationships with customers and business partners. Plus, find new contacts that could turn into future business opportunities. The most important players in the food industry will be there, so don’t miss out! Take two minutes and apply for a booth now by clicking the button below. Remember to apply before September 1, 2023 for early-bird rates! It’s first come, first served, so act now! [Apply here]
INC Delegation Meets with Indian Ministers of Commerce and Agriculture
The primary goal of the visit was to increase consumption of nuts and dried fruits in India
The INC traveled to India earlier this month for an outreach visit that included a meeting with the Minister of Commerce and Industry and the Minister of Agriculture, among other high-ranking officials. The aim of the visit was to present the INC dissemination campaign for India, to promote the health and economic benefits of nuts and dried fruits, to make the case for free trade, and to offer expert support for the development of the Indian nut and dried fruit industry. [Read more]
INC Participates in the 54th Codex Committee for Pesticide Residues
Decisions by CCPR will be finalized at the Codex Alimentarius Committee meeting in late November 2023
The 54th Session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (CCPR54) took place in Beijing, China, from June 26 to July 1, 2023. During the meeting, several new maximum residue limits (MRLs) were proposed for various commodities, including tree nuts, peanuts, prunes, dried grapes, peaches, nectarines and apricots. [MRL proposed changes] Furthermore, a proposal was made to revoke all existing Codex MRLs for diazinon. [Read more]
Check Out the Latest Issue of the Nutfruit Magazine
July Issue Available Online
The July 2023 issue of Nutfruit is now available on the INC website. This edition covers a wide range of topics and provides valuable insight into the nut and dried fruit industry. You can read about hot topics in the nut and dried fruit industry, highlights from the INC Congress in London, mechanical pollination in fruit and nut crops, and nuts for forest restoration. This issue also features interviews with Michelin-starred chef Jean Delport and Hauke Will, Head of Agricultural Production at Ritter Sport. You can also learn about almonds from California in this edition of the Country/Product Spotlight and read up on the latest industry statistics in our Global Statistical Review. Download to read it now! [Read Nutfruit online]
Nut Consumption Associated with Lower Risk of Depression in Older Adults
Depression was less likely in participants who ate at least a handful of nuts per week
A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging set out to assess the cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between nut consumption and depression in two cohorts of older adults. The first cohort consisted of a representative sample of noninstitutionalized Spanish adults aged ≥65 years interviewed in 2010 and 2013. The second cohort consisted of individuals from the Madrid region aged ≥65 years interviewed in 2017 and 2019. Researchers estimated nut consumption using a validated computer-based diet history. Depression was defined as self-reported physician-diagnosed depression… [Read more]
Phytochemical Composition and Health Benefits of Figs
Regular fig consumption increases select micronutrient intake
An article published recently in Nutrients provides a comprehensive review of the scientific literature assessing the phytochemical composition and health benefits of fresh and dried figs. The purpose of the review was to evaluate the evidence on the chemistry of figs and their potential health-promoting role in the diet, to identify gaps in the current research, and to suggest potential opportunities for future research and development. The article summarizes the latest information on the phenolic composition, antioxidant capacity and other functional properties of fresh and dried figs cultivated in various parts of the world… [Read more]
Sustainability News Shared by INC
In the INC’s latest installment of sustainability news, you can read about the European Parliament’s approval of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), which requires in-scope companies to take responsibility for human rights abuses and environmental harm throughout their global value chains; the European Union’s new deforestation-free products regulation; and the new Salinity Management Guide for Almond Growers developed by the Almond Board of California in collaboration with UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. [Read more]
INC Monitors Latest International Trade News
The latest INC trade update covers the Australia-UK Free Trade Agreement, which came into effect on May 31, 2023; a summary by FRUCOM and the Waren-Verein of the main changes introduced by two European Commission draft regulations on marketing standards applicable to a number of agri-food products, including nuts and dried fruits; and the conclusion of negotiations between the European Union and Kenya for an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). [Read more]
INC Shares Food Safety News
The INC’s latest food safety update includes the recent assessment conducted by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on the impact of glyphosate on human health, animal health and the environment; the European Commission’s decision to temporarily increase official controls and emergency measures governing the entry into the European Union of certain goods from certain third countries; and information about maximum residue levels established by the European Union. [Read more]
INC Provides Updates on Marketing Orders
The INC’s latest marketing orders update focuses on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s announcement of amendments to the federal marketing order for California walnuts, which, among other changes, will eliminate mandatory inspection and certification of in-shell and shelled walnuts, and of shelled walnuts for processing. [Read more]