Macadamia Council

The Global Cashew Council was founded in 2011 by the main cashew producers and industry organizations for the promotion of the global cashew nut sector.

As a result of the meeting of the INC Macadamias Steering Committee in Singapore in May 2012, it was agreed that the formation of a Health Research Committee should be initiated.The committee has the goal of identifying funding priorities, and promoting a macadamia health research program.In addition, the committee agreed to create a group (Macadamia International Data Collection) to collect statistics in each producing country in its last meeting in Brisbane, September 2012.

The Macadamia International Data Collection

Since its creation in September 2012, the Macadamia International Data Collection group has been collecting and updating statistics from the main producing country on a quarterly basis. This group, formed by country representatives from the main macadamia producing countries, gathers data on crop estimates, stocks and shipments.

The Research Grant

On January 3, 2017, INC launched the Macadamia Health Research Grant on behalf of the macadamia industry with due date for submission February 28, 2017.The macadamia community called for research projects that could contribute to enhance the understanding of the health effects of macadamia nuts consumption by comparing the effect of a macadamias enriched diet vs. a control diet on insulin resistance/secretion, lipid profile (total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides), and other emergent cardiovascular risk factors, e.g. inflammation, oxidative stress markers, etc. including the evaluation of the effects of macadamia nut consumption on adiposity. INC is coordinating this Call on behalf of the contributors.The INC received 16 applications from 5 countries (Australia, Brazil, Italy, Spain and USA). The INC World Forum for Nutrition Research and Dissemination developed an academic prioritization of the projects. The Contributors will make the final decision on the successful Research Provider and Hort Innovation will appoint the successful grant recipient on their behalf.