The INC Pavilion will be located at the Fine Foods Hall and, as it might be observed in the picture, INC corporate colors (white and green) and branding are fully dominating its visual space. As an innovation for 2017 edition, this revamped version of the INC Pavilion has 4 internal locations: two of them will be used as meeting rooms, affording more space for co-exhibitors to schedule and hold private reunions. Those joining our sponsorship opportunities (see below) will have these rooms at their disposal as well. In addition, INC members not exhibiting in the Pavilion will be given the opportunity to book and use meeting rooms too, upon request and subject to availability. The remaining two spaces will be used as internal booths.

One more edition, the hospitality area emerges as a core element within the Pavilion. Past experiences have shown the increasing importance this common space has gained, as it is widely used for co-exhibitors and INC members to relax, receive customers or just to have an informal chat with colleagues.

Sponsorship Opportunities for Anuga 2017
INC offers its members an exclusive platform to enhance their brand and promote their products/services in front of specific and well-targeted audiences. Three levels of sponsorship opportunities are available for INC members:

4.000€ – Cocktail Sponsor: The cocktail results in a meeting point for the entire industry. Companies sponsoring this event gain an excellent opportunity to promote its brand in front of top business leaders attending such a classic celebration. This sponsorship opportunity includes: Sign at the Pavilion’s entrance while the cocktail is being held.

  • Corporate handouts to be placed at the INC welcome desk and meeting rooms.
  • Company logo published on INC publications (mention in the Nutfruit magazine, listing on INC website, newsletter and post Pavilion video), Pavilion’s main-front banner and TV screens placed at the hospitality area.

2.000€ – Special Sponsor: The INC Nuts and Dried Fruits Pavilion receives heavy traffic of visitors due to its excellent location within Anuga’s floor plan. This sponsorship opportunity includes:

  • Corporate handouts to be placed at the INC welcome desk and meeting rooms.
  • Company logo published on INC publications (mention in the Nutfruit magazine, listing on INC website, newsletter and post Pavilion video), Pavilion’s main-front banner and TV screens placed at the hospitality area.

1.000€ – Pavilion Sponsor: INC promotes the Nuts and Dried Fruits Pavilion with specific actions addressed to the industry. This sponsorship opportunity includes:

  • Company logo published on INC publications (mention in the Nutfruit magazine, listing on INC website, newsletter and post Pavilion video), Pavilion’s main-front banner and TV screens placed at the hospitality area.

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