As regards nuts and dried fruits, the petitions received were the following:
New Tolerances for Non-Inerts:
- Establish tolerance for residues of the fungicide mefentrifluconazole (BAS 750 F); 2-[4-(4-chlorophenoxy)-2-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-1-(1H-1,2,4-triazole-1-yl)propan-2-ol] in or on grape, raisin at 4 ppm; peanut at 0.01 ppm; and tree nut crop group 14-12 at 0.06 ppm.
- Establish a tolerance for residues of the fungicide inpyrfluxam, S-2399, in or on peanut at 0.01 ppm.
Amended Tolerances for Non-Inerts:
- Amend the tolerances for residues of the nematicide, fluensulfone and its metabolite BSA expressed as fluensulfone equivalents, on the raw agricultural commodities as follows: Fruit, small vine climbing subgroup 13-07D at 0.8 ppm; Fruit, stone, group 12 at 0.1 ppm; and Nut, tree, group 14 at 0.04 ppm.
The final date for comments is April 17, 2019.
Federal Register Vol. 84, No. 52. Monday, March 18, 2019. Pages 9735-9737
Federal Register Vol. 84, No. 52. Monday, March 18, 2019. Pages 9737-9739