The EFSA was requested by the European Commission to carry out a scientific evaluation to determine whether it would allow reconsideration of the temporary group acceptable daily intake (ADI) for sorbic acid (E 200) and potassium sorbate (E 202). Based on the findings, the Panel changed the temporary group ADI of 3 mg sorbic acid/kg bw per day for sorbic acid (E 200) and its potassium salt (E 202) to a new group ADI of 11 mg sorbic acid/kg bw per day.
In addition, European Commission asked EFSA to review a report on the ‘Stability of sorbic acid (E 200) and its potassium salt (E 202) during food processing and storage’ provided by industry. As no new information was provided in this report, there was no re‐assessment of the EFSA ANS opinion conclusions from 2015 regarding the stability of sorbates in food.
Opinion on the follow‐up of the re‐evaluation of sorbic acid (E200) and potassium sorbate (E202) as food additives