The European Commission has notified the World Trade Organization of the Annexes to “Draft Commission Regulation amending Annexes II and III and V to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for fluopyram, hexachlorociclohexane (HCH), alpha-isomer, hexachlorociclohexane (HCH), beta-isomer, hexachlorociclohexane (HCH), sum of isomers, except the gamma isomer, lindane (hexachlorociclohexane (HCH), gamma-isomer), nicotine and profenofos in or on certain products”.As for nuts and dried fruits, the draft sets the following MRLs:
- Hexachlorociclohexane (HCH), alpha-isomer: tree nuts, apricots, plums, grapes, cranberries, dates, figs and peanuts at 0.01* ppm.
- Hexachlorociclohexane (HCH), beta-isomer: tree nuts, apricots, plums, grapes, cranberries, dates, figs and peanuts at 0.01* ppm.
(*) Indicates lower limit of determination.The final date for comments is December 30, 2016. The proposed date of adoption is April 2017.For further information, please contact us at