Brexit: UK’s Departure from the EU
On January 29, 2020, the EU Parliament gave its final approval to UK’s…
Brexit: UK Tariff Consultation
These tariffs will be applicable to all imports to the UK, if there are no…
USA: Market Facilitation Program
Payments shall be made by the Farm Service Agency (FSA) under the authority…
2019 EU RASFF Notifications for Nuts and Dried Fruits
The most notified edible nuts were peanuts, with 219 notifications, followed by…
USA: Applications for New Uses for Pesticides
The active ingredient Indoxacarb has been proposed as insecticide for Nut,…
China: Annual Tariff Reductions
This announcement does not affect the retaliatory tariffs on US exports to…
China: Additional Tariffs Temporary Suspended
The temporary suspension covers the 10% and 5% additional tariffs on US…