Brazil: MRLs Update

The MRL for fenpropathrin in peanuts is included at 0.01 ppm and a safety…

EU-Ghana: Market Access

The EPA provides duty-free and quota-free access to all Ghana’s exports,…

Australia and New Zealand: Allergen Labelling

FSANZ is working on a proposal to make allergen labeling requirements clearer…

EU: ML for Cadmium

According to the European Federation of the Trade in Dried Fruit & Edible…

Australia and New Zealand: MRLs Update, Draft

The purpose of this proposal is to consider varying certain maximum residue…

EU: Measures against Pests

This Regulation implements Regulation (EU) 2016/2031, as regards the listing of…

Australia and New Zealand: MRLs Update

The table to section S20-3 in Schedule 20 is amended as follows:  The…

EU: Pesticides, Standing Committee Agenda

Exchange of views and possible opinion of the Committee on a draft Commission…

Australia: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

The final report, published on December 13, 2019, does not recommend a change…

EU: MRLs Update, Draft Commission Regulations

As for nuts and dried fruits, the Draft Regulation sets the following…