Brazil: MRLs Update

The MRL for fluxapiroxade in macadamia is increased from 0.1 to 0.3 ppm and…

Australia: Imported Food Control

The Imported Food Control Amendment Act 2018 has amended the Imported Food…

US: Pesticide Petitions

As regards nuts and dried fruits, the petitions received were the…

Australia and New Zealand: MRLs Update

Among other changes, the table to section S20-3 in Schedule 20 is amended as…

USA: MRLs Update

Among others, the tolerance of tolfenpyrad in Fruit, small, vine climbing,…

Malaysia: Food Regulation Update

The Draft Amendment of the Sixteenth Schedule of the Food Regulations 1985…

Japan: MRLs Update

As for nuts and dried fruits, the following MRL were proposed:  The MRL…

India: Cashew Kernels, Draft Standards

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India notified the World Trade…

India: Additional Tariffs Delayed

On December 15, 2018, the Government of India announced that the entry into…

EU: Common Customs Tariff Duties

Among others, the date foreseen for mandatory review of dates, fresh or dried,…