This report is the outcome of Objective 3 of the project “Database of processing techniques and processing factors compatible with the EFSA food classification and description system FoodEx 2” whose objective is to develop a database of validated processing factors, which is compatible with the EFSA food classification and description system FoodEx21. In the first part of the project, a compendium of representative processing techniques was elaborated, which  serves  as  a  standard  description  of  all  relevant  processes  and  as  a  basis  for  validation  of processing  studies. In the second part, all relevant processes and raw and processed commodities were coded according to FoodEx2. In the third and last part of the project, all processing studies  used  by  EFSA  in  their  Conclusions  and  Reasoned  Opinions  issued  until  30/06/2016  were  re-evaluated according to uniform quality criteria and reported in a database.
Currently  no  harmonized  list  of  processing  factors  is  available  within  Europe  and worldwide.
1FoodEx2 is a standardized food classification and description system for exposure assessment developed by EFSA. More information.

Database of processing techniques and processing factors compatible with the EFSA food classification and description system FoodEx 2 Objective 3: European database of processing factors for pesticides in food. EFSA Supporting publication 2018:EN-1510.


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