As for nuts and dried fruits, the draft sets the following MRLs:
- The MRL for amitrole is lowered from 0.05 ppm to 0.01* ppm in grapes.
- The MRL for flufenoxuron is lowered from 0.05* ppm to 0.01* ppm in tree nuts, cranberries, dates, figs and peanuts; from 0.5 to 0.01* in apricots and plums; and from 1 ppm to 0.01* ppm in table grapes.
- The MRL for triasulfuron is lowered form 0.05* ppm to 0.01* ppm in tree nuts, apricots, plums, grapes, cranberries, dates, figs, and peanuts.
*Indicates lower limit of determination.
The final date for comments was April 9, 2019. The proposed date of adoption is October 2019.
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