On-site Program of the INC Academia Is Open to Congress Participants
Take advantage of this unique opportunity
If you’re attending the INC Congress, don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to enroll in the On-site Program of the INC Academia to take your congress experience even further. Taking place in the UK from May 18-20, 2023, attendees will visit the Port of Felixstowe, multinational plant equipment manufacturer Bühler, the Chelmer Foods distribution center for dried fruits, nuts, seeds and pulses, and one of Europe’s largest distribution centers, LDH (La Doria), plus some of the UK’s most important supermarket chains to see how nuts and dried fruits are marketed to Britain’s consumers. [Book now]
Get Your Game on with the INC Golf & Tennis Day!
Sign up to enjoy a relaxing day with your peers!
Show off your skills to your fellow peers and sign up for the 2023 INC Golf & Tennis Day! Taking place just after the congress on Thursday, May 25 at the Royal Automobile Club, Woodcote Park, Epsom, Surrey, why not take the opportunity to see some of the beautiful English countryside and spend time with fellow industry members. The club boasts two exceptional downland golf courses and also counts on six outdoor, floodlit courts: three artificial clay and three porous rubber. The event will include brunch on arrival to get everybody warmed up for their game and end with a round of celebratory drinks. Don’t forget to carefully read the guidelines beforehand! [Guidelines]. To register, fill in the form of your chosen option: [Golf Game] [Tennis Match]
INC Sustainability Award: Deadline to Apply, April 15
Take the opportunity to share your sustainable actions with the industry
The deadline to submit your application for the new INC Sustainability Award has been extended until April 15. Don’t miss this opportunity to share your efforts with the crème de la crème of the industry as this award aims to recognize projects and companies/organizations that show outstanding achievements and inspiration in the field of sustainability. See the instructions to apply on the Congress website.
INC Innovation Award: Last Day to Submit, April 15
Showcase your brands’ latest innovations to a global audience
Show off your company’s innovation skills and take advantage of the extended deadline of April 15 to send in your application for the INC Innovation Award. This contest will feature the top new products / services within the sector and present them to be voted for by your industry colleagues at the XL World Nut and Dried Fruit Congress in London! See how to apply on the Congress website.
Check Out the Latest Issue of the Nutfruit Magazine
March issue available online
The March 2023 issue of Nutfruit is now available on the INC website. This issue covers a wide range of topics and provides readers with valuable insight into the nut and dried fruit industry. In this edition of the magazine, you can read about the INC’s recently adopted strategic goals for 2022-2026, the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains and a new high-oleic-acid groundnut variety released in India. This issue also features interviews with renowned chef Massimiliano Alajmo and Louis Hinzen, Senior Manager of Economic Affairs at FoodDrinkEurope. You can also learn about prunes from Chile in this edition of the Country/Product Spotlight and read up on the latest industry statistics in our Global Statistical Review. Download to read it now! [Read Nutfruit online]
Nutrients Publishes Six More Articles in NUTS 2022 Special Issue
Last year’s historic gathering of health researchers has produced a total of 11 articles
The journal Nutrients has published six more articles as part of the proceedings of NUTS 2022, bringing the total number of articles published as a result of this historic gathering to 11. In October of last year, NUTS 2022 brought together 25 top international nutrition scholars at the INC headquarters to discuss the future of health research on nuts and dried fruits. [Read more]
Review Finds Metabolizable Energy Content of Nuts Is Lower Than Expected
The lower-than-expected metabolizable energy may explain the lack of association between nut intake and weight gain
Advances in Nutrition is set to publish the first-ever systematic review of the body of evidence on the metabolizable energy content and lipid bioaccessibility of tree nuts and peanuts. The authors of the review searched the PubMed, Medline, CINAHL, Cochrane and Embase databases to June 2021. To be eligible for inclusion, studies needed to: 1) include adults ≥18 years (except for in vitro studies); 2) explore the consumption of tree nuts typically included in nutrition research and/or peanuts, in the form of either whole nuts, chopped nuts… [Read more]
Effect of Walnut Supplementation on Dietary Polyphenol Intake
Elderly people who added walnuts to their diet had higher levels of several nutrients
A new study published in Nutrients explored how dietary supplementation with walnuts affected polyphenol intake and the urinary excretion of phenolic metabolites in elderly participants. It was the first study to show that the addition of a single food (i.e. walnuts), with no other changes to the usual diet, could significantly increase total polyphenol intake. Polyphenols are nutrients that have been associated with various health benefits, including decreased blood lipids and inflammatory markers. [Read more]
CODEX: Maximum Level for Total Aflatoxins in Ready-to-Eat Peanuts
The 15th Session of the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods (CCCF15), which was held in May 2022, agreed to re-establish the electronic working group (EWG) chaired by India and co-chaired by Senegal, to prepare a new proposal for a maximum level (ML) for total aflatoxins (AFT) in ready-to-eat (RTE) peanuts and an associated sampling plan for consideration at the CCCF16 in April 2023. In view of the data provided to date and the time frame, the EWG recommends… [Read more]
Sustainability News Compiled by INC
In the latest INC sustainability update, you can read about the announcement of a public consultation by the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) for the first science-based targets for land, focusing on the protection and restoration of ecosystems. The update also highlights a new set of proposals released by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), under which large companies in India may be required to provide assurance on their environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) reporting and supply chain-level ESG disclosures. In addition, the update covers the new dietary guidelines by the Spanish Ministry of Consumer Affairs highlighting the need to consume more tree nuts (three or more servings per week, up to one handful per day). [Read more]
INC Shares International Trade News
The INC’s latest trade update covers India’s decision to reduce tariffs on US pecans from 100% to 30%. It also includes the announcement of plans by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to purchase walnuts for distribution to various food nutrition assistance programs with the purpose of encouraging the continued domestic consumption of these products by diverting them from the normal channels of trade and commerce. In addition, the update highlights the ratification of a Preferential Trade Agreement between Türkiye and Uzbekistan. [Read more]
INC Monitors Latest Food Safety News
The INC’s latest installment of food safety news includes an update on maximum residue levels (MRLs) in the European Union, the publication of an extensive literature search on mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOH) by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and an update on MRLs in Canada. [Read more]
Labeling Update Shared by INC
The INC’s latest labeling update focuses on the draft recommendations for industry issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the naming of plant-based beverages that are marketed and sold as alternatives to milk. The draft guidance also includes recommendations on the use of voluntary nutrient statements. [Read more]