USA: Assessment Rate Decreased for Hazelnuts Grown in Oregon and Washington

A rule issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) implements a recommendation from the Hazelnut Marketing Board to decrease the assessment rate established for the 2023–2024 marketing year and subsequent marketing years. This rule decreases the assessment rate from US$0.006 per pound to US$0.005 per pound for the 2023–2024 marketing year and subsequent marketing years. The rule takes effect on April 5, 2024, and will remain in effect indefinitely unless modified, suspended or terminated.

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USA: Suspension of Federal Marketing Order for Dried Prunes Produced in California

The Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has issued a final rule suspending the federal marketing order regulating dried prunes produced in California effective August 1, 2023, through July 31, 2030. After operating for 18 years without handling regulations, the Prune Administrative Committee recommended that AMS indefinitely suspend the order. After reviewing the Committee’s recommendation, AMS determined that regulatory suspension with a sunset provision of seven years is appropriate. This suspension period extends through the end of the 2029/30 crop year and provides the industry sufficient time to assess whether the order’s reinstatement is beneficial. If no recommendation is made by the Committee to reinstate the order by the end of the 2029/30 crop year, AMS will proceed to terminate the order.

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USA: USDA Sets Dates for Peanut Promotion Research and Information Program Continuance Referendum

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that it will conduct a referendum from April 8-19, 2024, for eligible US producers of peanuts to decide whether to continue their research and promotion program. Persons engaged in the production and sale of peanuts at the time of the referendum and during the representative period of January 1 to December 31, 2022, are eligible to vote. The order will continue if it is favored by a majority of producers voting in the referendum.

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