Carbon Sequestration Potential of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.) Plantations Across Climatic Gradients in Togo

The current study seeks to estimate the carbon sequestration capability of a cashew plantation in Togo as a function of climate gradient. The research was conducted in the Guinean and Sudanian climatic zones, on farmers' cashew plantations. The study was run from March to October 2023. This study was carried out in ten (10) cashew farms (five per climatic zone) which have ten years old. Cashew trees were classed based on their diameter at breast height (0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm, and > 15 cm). To measure carbon stock in the biomass, allometric equations were utilized, and soil carbon stock was assessed using laboratory analysis. The Guinean zone has a higher soil carbon stock (86.89 ± 4.06 t C/ha) compared to the Sudanian zone (80.23 ± 3.78 t). The same trend can be observed in the various cashew tree components (trunk, branches and leaves). In general, the tree trunk had 79% of the carbon supply, compared to 19% and 2% in the branches and leaves, respectively. Carbon sequestration in the soil varies depending on the climatic zone and the soil depth (0-25 cm; 25-50 cm). Cashew-based cropping systems might be deemed carbon-efficient.

Halotolerant Pseudomonas-induced alleviation of salt stress and promotion of growth in peanut (Arachis hypogaea)

Salinity stress is a major abiotic factor limiting crop productivity, particularly in sensitive crops like peanuts (Arachis hypogaea). This study evaluated the potential of Pseudomonas geniculata ND09 in alleviating salt stress impacts on peanut growth under controlled and field conditions. In pot experiments, salt stress significantly reduced root and shoot lengths, biomass, and pod yield while increasing the Na+/K+ ratio and stress markers such as antioxidant enzyme activities and proline accumulation. Inoculation with P. geniculata ND09 effectively mitigated these effects, improving root and shoot lengths by 23.5% and 19.6%, respectively, and enhancing biomass and pod yield by 31.8% and 26.4% compared to untreated, salt-stressed plants. Field trials corroborated these findings, with P. geniculata ND09-inoculated plants irrigated with saline water showing 20.7% and 19.3% higher pod and haulm yields than untreated controls. These results demonstrate the potential of P. geniculata ND09 as a biotechnological solution for improving salinity tolerance and yield in peanut cultivation, addressing critical agricultural challenges posed by soil salinity.

Land Use/Change and Local Population Movements in Stone Pine Forests: A Case Study of Western Türkiye

One of the important distribution areas of stone pine (Pinus pinea L.), a native tree species of the Mediterranean Basin in Türkiye, is the Kozak Basin. Pine nut production plays an important role in the livelihood of the rural people of the Kozak Basin. However, in recent years, as a result of mining activities, climate change, and damage caused by the alien invasive species, the western conifer seed bug (Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann 1910 (Hemiptera; Coreidae), the decrease in cone and seed yield in the basin has reached significant dimensions. This process has caused the local people’s income sources to decrease. In this study, land use and land cover (LULC) changes and population changes in the Kozak Basin were discussed during the process, where changing forest land functions, especially economic effects, triggered vulnerable communities due to various factors such as climate change and insect damage. LULC classes of the Kozak Basin and their changes in three time periods are presented using the maximum likelihood method. In addition, the exponential population growth rates of the local people in three different time periods were calculated and these rates were interpolated in the spatial plane with a Kriging analysis. In conclusion, the responses of vulnerable communities to the cone and seed yield decline in the Kozak Basin are manifested by LULC changes and migration from the basin. Therefore, in the management of P. pinea areas, the creation of regulations within the framework of sustainability understanding regardless of ownership difference, stakeholder participatory approach management, close monitoring of ecological events occurring in the basin, awareness of vulnerable communities, and alternative livelihoods can be supported.

Water use dynamics of almond and pistachio crops in the Mediterranean region amid climate change

Almond and pistachio are socio-economically significant tree crops grown in California’s San Joaquin Valley (SJV). Continuing commercial production with efficient irrigation planning under changing climate requires an extensive understanding of their biophysical interactions such as altered phenology, biomass accumulation, transpiration, and other processes. This study examines the phenology and water use (ETc) responses of almonds and pistachios under two scenarios: climate change (warming-only) and climate change with elevated atmospheric CO2 (eCO2), using an agrohydrological model, VIC-CropSyst. The model was calibrated and validated using observations on crop evapotranspiration. The simulated crop responses to warming-only and eCO2 revealed compounding effects on chill accumulation, phenology, biomass accumulation, and eventually on crop water use. The active growth period from bud break to dormancy was prolonged by 10–25 days for both crops under simulated Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) scenarios compared to the baseline. The annual ETc under warming-only scenarios showed a slight increase for almonds (1 % under RCP4.5 and 3 % under RCP8.5) and a higher increase for pistachios (8 % under both RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) by the mid-21st century. These increases in ETc translate to 260 (almonds) and 180 (pistachios) million m3/year of additional water for irrigation in the absence of eCO2 effects. The eCO2 is expected to moderately reduce irrigation demand by 35 million m3/year for almonds and increase by 140 million m3/year for pistachios over the baseline. The outcomes can guide decision-makers to anticipate potential threats and concoct adaptive strategies by managing irrigation and choosing suitable cultivars or alternate crops.

Native cover crops enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services in hazelnut orchards

Agroecological restoration aims to restore biodiversity and ecosystem function in agricultural landscapes while sustaining crop production. Adopting native plants as cover crops may restore ecological value to cropping systems such as nut orchards. We focused on Oregon hazelnut orchards and compared how four seed mixes (native annuals, native perennials, conventional cover crops and unseeded controls) performed under three levels of orchard floor disturbance (flailing, flailing and scraping, and unmanaged/none) across three different orchard ages with corresponding differences in canopy shade over a 2-year period. We evaluated cover crop performance by three criteria: the survival criteria (response to disturbance and shading), the production criteria (effects on weeds, erosion potential and soil moisture) and the ecological functioning criteria (abundance and diversity of native plants and pollinator visitations). We found that native species generally outperformed conventional cover crops and bare ground across these criteria. Plant survival was not affected by disturbance but shading reduced survival of most species. Native annuals had high cover in the first year, and native perennials had high cover across both years. Native perennial species provided the best weed reduction and erosion control while not reducing soil moisture, and hosted the highest pollinator abundances and diversity. Synthesis and applications. Our results suggest that agroecological restoration of orchards through native cover cropping is a viable strategy for improving ecological outcomes without compromising production needs.

Intercropping alfalfa during almond orchard establishment reduces winter soil nitrogen and water losses, provides on‐farm revenue

The ecosystem benefits linked to intercropping and diversified agroecosystems is an area with increasing research interest, particularly in sustainable food production and farm resilience to extreme climate variability. Interrow cropping of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb] orchards during the 3–4 non-bearing, establishment years has potential to advance sustainable intensification in agricultural regions such as the Central Valley of California. In this study we evaluated ecosystem benefits linked to this intercropped agroecosystem in contrast to conventional almond systems with interrow spaces maintained bare. From Winter 2023 to Spring 2024 (157 days), we modeled soil hydrological properties (HYDRUS-1D) and quantified soil nitrogen using various approaches. Simulation from HYDRUS revealed that winter soil evaporative loss was most substantial for a flood-irrigated bare-soil control (208.1 mm) and lowest for the alfalfa intercropped interrow (59.2 mm). Estimated soil water storage was lowest in the alfalfa intercropped interrow and highest for bare-soil controls, indicating continuous plant water uptake throughout the winter period when almond trees are dormant. Winter soil N loss measured using suction lysimeters, ion exchange soil resins traps, and soil sampling (0–120 cm) indicated that N leaching was greatest in the bare-soil interrow spaces and lowest for alfalfa intercropped treatment. The utilization of free winter inputs, such as rainwater and slow-release mineralized N from dairy manure compost, translated to a 2.22 tonne ha−1 alfalfa yield and equated to a $500 ha−1 gross revenue for the first alfalfa cutting. Overall, the preliminary ecosystem benefits observed in this unique alfalfa–almond intercropped agroecosystem were attributed to augmentation in farm resource use efficiency and revenues generated during the winter season.

Pecan-medicinal crops intercropping improved soil fertility and promoted interactions between soil microorganisms and metabolites

Background: Pecan [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) Koch] is a widely cultivated dried fruit and woody oil tree with high economic value. Continuous sole planting of pecan caused some land to lie idle and deterioration of soil conditions. Tree and medicinal crops intercropping represents an environmental-friendly and economically feasible solution to these issues. Thus, we aimed to explore the underlying mechanism by which intercropping improved soil condition by regulating the interactions of the soil microbiome and metabolome. In this study, pecans were intercropped with medicinal crops caper spurge and honeysuckle on a tree farm in China. A combined analysis of soil microbiomes and metabolomes was performed to discover the effects of intercropping on bulk and rhizosphere soils. Results: The results showed that intercropping improved the edaphic properties of bulk soil and promoted the growth of pecan and caper spurge. Intercropping also significantly altered the structures of both bacterial and fungal communities in bulk soil, stabilised the enrichment of nitrogen-cyclic bacteria, for instance, Bacillus, and decreased the relative abundances of plant–pathogenic fungi, for instance, Fusarium. In addition, the result of metabolomic analysis showed that intercropping promoted the synthesis of functional compounds, such as trehalose and ethanolamine, which enhanced plant disease resistance in bulk soils. Moreover, the co-occurrence networks of microbiomes and metabolomes of bulk soils revealed that Bacillus was significantly correlated with Fusarium, Alternaria, and trehalose under intercropping patterns. Furthermore, analysis of microbiomes and metabolomes in the rhizosphere soil of caper spurge and honeysuckle revealed that Penicillium and Rhizomicrobium were significantly increased by intercropping and showed more dynamic connections with other genera and metabolites compared with single planting. Conclusions: Overall, intercropping pecans with caper spurge and honeysuckle can improve soil conditions and promote plant growth through microbiological and metabolomics integrated analyses. This study provides valuable information and theoretical basis for optimizing land resource utilisation and improving soil conditions in tree fields like pecan fields via intercropping, thereby reducing production losses and ensuring economic benefits.

Drought and heat stress interactions: Unveiling the molecular and physiological responses of Persian walnut

While numerous studies explored the response of walnut plants to drought stress (DS), there remains a significant gap in the knowledge regarding the impact of heat stress (HS) and the combined effects of DS and HS on the recovery capacity of walnut trees. This study aimed to investigate the mechanism of Persian walnut (cv. Chandler) response to the combined DS and HS, focusing on various aspects including photosynthesis, water relations, and osmotic regulation. The treatments involved subjecting plants to DS (through a withholding method for 24 d), HS (gradually up to 40 °C for 8 d), and a combined DS and HS, which were compared to a control group (no stress) during the stress and recovery phases. The results showed that DS had significantly more negative effects on chlorophyll content, relative water content (RWC), leaf water potential (WP), osmotic potential (OP) compared to HS. Involvement of osmoregulation mechanism was detected more in DS and HS plants through the accumulation of proline, glycine Betaine and total soluble carbohydrates. The functionality of photosynthesis was significantly impacted by both HS and DS, respectively. While the HS accelerated the change of the abovementioned physiological processes in drought-stressed seedlings. Consistently, more pronounced damage was found in leaves under the combined stress, alongside the decrease RWC, chlorophyll content and fluorescence ratios. Based on the analysis of the linear mixed-effect model, the effects of combined stress and HS on photosynthesis parameters were detected in the early stages of stress compared to DS. Within a range of stresses, the abovementioned physiological processes of individual and combined-stressed plants recovered to levels comparable to those of the control. Our results also showed a substantial reduction in the expression of the photosynthetic genes (Fd, Cyt b6f, and PsbB) in Persian walnut saplings under abiotic stress conditions indicating significant damage to their photosynthetic apparatus. This study highlights that, under scenarios of aggravating drought occurring with heat, walnut seedlings could face a high risk of damage to physiological structures in relation to the synergistically increased hydraulic and thermal impairments.

Sustainable livelihoods through cashew cultivation: insights from smallholder farmers in the southern region of India

Cashew cultivation has emerged as an important agricultural activity in promoting sustainable livelihoods for smallholder farmers. The present study investigates the impacts of cashew cultivation on sustainable livelihoods of smallholder farmers in the Southern region of India, addressing a significant research gap in the understanding of how this crop affects various aspects of farmers' lives. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study reveals that, cashew farming significantly increases farmers’ income, leading to improvements in food security, education, social status, and standard of living. These findings contribute to new insights into the socio-economic and environmental dimensions of cashew cultivation, offering a holistic understanding of its role in rural development. Additionally, the study also emphasizes the need for government policies supporting smallholders in cashew farming, including training, access to quality seeds, and best agricultural practices. Social welfare initiatives and cooperatives can improve the overall well-being of cashew farming communities. Research and development should prioritize climate-resistant cashew varieties to address environmental challenges linked to cashew cultivation. The study’s results also provide a foundation for future research and policy formulation aimed at enhancing the practice of cashew farming for sustainable livelihoods.


Incorporating date palm fibers for sustainable friction composites in vehicle brakes

The demand for eco-friendly materials in automotive components has spurred research into natural fibers as sustainable alternatives for brake pads. This study examines the potential of date palm fibers, particularly the palm frond midrib (PFM), in brake pad composites. The effects of epoxy, PFM, and calcium carbonate on the composites’ mechanical and tribological properties were analyzed. The optimal formulation (25% epoxy, 30% PFM, 35% calcium carbonate) exhibited superior properties, including a hardness of 87 HRB, wear rate of 1.5E-03 mg/mm, and COF of 0.73, surpassing commercial pads. Additionally, an inverse relationship between PFM/calcium carbonate content and compressibility was observed, with increased calcium carbonate enhancing wear resistance. This research underscores the potential of utilizing date palm resources in eco-friendly brake manufacturing, reducing the environmental and health impacts of traditional materials.