Sustainable approach to almond skin mediated synthesis of tunable selenium microstructures for coating cotton fabric to impart specific antibacterial activity.

Currently, the synthesis of nanostructured inorganic materials with tunable morphology is still a great challenge. In this study, almond skin extract was employed for the biogenic synthesis of selenium nanoparticles with tunable morphologies such as rods and brooms. The effects of various synthesis parameters on morphologies were investigated using UV-Visible spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) which indicated that selenium brooms (SeBrs) were best synthesized using almond skin extract and optimized conditions of SeO2, ascorbic acid, pH, incubation temperature and time. Based on these results, the mechanism of SeBrs synthesis is proposed as having involved four stages such as nucleation, self-assembly, Ostwald ripening, and decomposition. Further, the test of antibacterial activity together with minimum inhibitory concentrations and minimum bactericidal concentrations indicated the selective, specific and good activity against B. subtilis. In addition, in situ coating of SeBrs on cotton fabric and its investigation by SEM demonstrated successful coating. Evident from plate-based assay and study of growth kinetics, coated fabric exhibited excellent anti-B. subtilis activity which demonstrated that biogenic SeBrs can be employed to coat cotton fabrics that can be used in operation theatres to reduce the episodes of Bacillus related Bacteraemia.

Peanut oil cake-derived cellulose fiber: Extraction, application of mechanical and thermal properties in pineapple/flax natural fiber composites.

In this work peanut oil cake extracted Cellulose Micro Filler (CMF) is used for the advancement of mechanical and thermal properties in natural fiber composites. This fiber powder was used in enhancing the applications of Pineapple (P)/Flax (F) natural fiber epoxy composites. The X Ray Diffraction (XRD) results of CMF showed improved Crystalline Index (Crl) of 70.25° and crystalline size of 5.5 nm. FTIR results confirmed the rich cellulose content in functional groups of filler with peaks at 1058 cm-1, 1162 cm-1, 1370 cm-1 and 1428 cm-1. Mechanical results showed a positive impact with incorporation of CMF in PF hybrid fiber composites. Thermal stability results showed enhancement in the degradation temperature, residual %, endothermic peak and enthalpy by the incorporation of CMF. In the 30% PF combinations degradation temperature T50, T70, T70 enhanced from 387.73-391.08°, 434.81-454.81° and 468.91-553.36° by the filler substitution. Similarly residual % increased from 17.69-24.35%. The combination with 35% PF showed enhancement in degradation temperature, residual percentage, endothermic peak and enthalpy with filler addition up to 3%.

Hydroethanolic extract of Juglans regia L. green husks: A source of bioactive phytochemicals.

Juglans regia L. (walnut) green husks are an important fraction of waste resulting from the walnut production, thus representing an interesting natural matrix to explore as a source of bioactive compounds. In this work, the hydroethanolic extract of walnut green husks was studied considering the phytochemical composition and the biological activity using different cell model assays, most of them evaluated for the first time for this matrix. From the HPLC-DAD-ESI/MSn analysis, sixteen compounds were identified, being the extract mostly composed of naphthalene derivatives (including tetralone derivatives) and less abundant in phenolic compounds (hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonols). The cytotoxic potential of the extract was assessed against tumour (MCF-7, NCI-H460, HeLa and HepG2) and non-tumour (PLP2) cell lines. Moreover, the antioxidant activity of the extract was evaluated by inhibition of the oxidative haemolysis (OxHLIA) and the formation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and the anti-inflammatory potential by the inhibition of the NO production by the RAW264.7 cell culture. The antibacterial effects of the extract were also evaluated against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. The results obtained represent a stepping stone for the development of future applications using walnut green husks as a source of added value compounds with bioactive potential.

Treenuts and groundnuts in the EAT-Lancet reference diet: Concerns regarding sustainable water use.

The EAT-Lancet universal healthy reference diet recommends an increase in the consumption of healthy foods, among which treenuts and groundnuts. Both are, however, water-intensive products, with a large water footprint (WF) per unit of mass and protein and already today contribute to blue water stress in different parts of the world. The envisaged massive required increase in nut production to feed a global population with this reference diet, needs to occur in a water-sustainable way. In this paper, we identify and quantify where current nut production contributes to local blue water stress and discuss options for water-sustainable nut production. We show that 74% of irrigated nuts are produced under blue water stress (of which 63% under severe water stress), throughout many regions of the world, most notably in India, China, Pakistan, the Middle East, the Mediterranean region and the USA. We critically evaluate which nut types to promote given substantial differences in WFs. We propose sustainable intensification of nut production employing nut-specific WF benchmarks. We also recommend integrated water resources management including maximum sustainable levels of water consumption by setting of WF caps.