Saudi Arabia: MRLs Update

The Draft applies to maximum limits of pesticide residues in agricultural and…

New Zealand: Plums and Grapes from Chile

The Import Health Standard 152.02 Schedules for grape and plum from Chile have…

Korea, Republic of: Food Products

Among others, the proposed amendment seeks to revise the maximum residue limits…

Japan: MRLs Update

As for nuts and dried fruits, the following MRL were proposed:  The MRL…

India: Plum from Spain

The Draft seeks to further liberalize provisions governing the import of Prunus…

India: Additional Tariffs Delayed

On May 1, 2019, the Government of India announced that the entry into force of…

EU-US: Consultation on Additional Tariffs on US Products

The EC has published a draft list of US products which could be subject to…

EU-US: Trade Agreements Negotiations

The directives for the negotiations cover two potential agreements with the US:…

EU: Changes to Border Controls, Draft

As a result of the Standing Committee of the Section ‘Novel Food and…

EU: Standing Committee - Pesticides

The extension of the approval periods of the following active substances had a…