China, Taiwan: Contaminants and Toxins

The Draft establishes some standards for the tolerance of heavy metals,…

Vietnam: Safety for Foods of Plant Origin

The deadline for comments is December 17, 2017. More…

USA: Pesticide Petitions

As regards nuts and dried fruits, the petitions received were the…

USA: Pesticides, Applications for New Uses

The active ingredient pyridate (herbicide) has been proposed in peanuts. The…

Turkey: Food Contaminants

As for nuts and dried fruits, the following maximum levels (ppb) are…

South Korea: Standards and Specifications for Foods

The deadline for comments is December 16, 2017. For further information,…

Gulf Countries: Food Packages

Part 1 concerns the general requirements for all packages of food materials…

EU: Allergens Labeling

Regarding to how allergens should be labeled, in the case of nuts, the specific…

EU: MRLs Update

As for nuts and dried fruits, the Regulation sets the following MRLs: …

EU: ML for Ochratoxin A

The following MLs have been proposed for further discussion: dried figs and…