Effect of Almond Consumption on Glycemia and Cardiovascular Risk Factors

In a clinical trial published in Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders, a…

Mediterranean Diet May Help to Delay Natural Progression of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

A recent study published in Medicina Clínica has observed the effect that a…

The Role of Prunes in Bone Health

In addition to existing drug therapies, certain lifestyle and nutritional…

Brazil Nuts May Help Regulate Colorectal Cancer Biomarkers, New Study Suggests

A recent study has examined the effects of supplementation of selenium (Se)…

Canada Updates Nutrition Fact Tables

The Government of Canada has updated the nutrition facts tables and list of…

Almond Consumption during Energy Restriction May Help Lower Truncal Fat and Blood Pressure

This study recently published in The Journal of Nutrition has evaluated the…

Walnut Inclusion in the Diet of Adults at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes and Dietary Pattern Changes

A recent scientific study has observed the food groups displaced during walnut…

Nut Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer and Mortality

An international team of researchers has conducted a systematic review and…

Effects of Walnut Consumption on Mood

A recent study published in Nutrients investigated the effect of walnuts on…