Almonds Global Statistical Review

USA (California) The second Almond Board of California Position Report of the…

Pistachios Global Statistical Review

USA As the California 2022/23 harvest was slowly ramping up towards the end of…

Walnuts Global Statistical Review

China The initial crop forecast of 1.4 million MT (in-shell basis) should be…

Pecans Global Statistical Review

Mexico While the Mexican Government still has not published a final figure…

Hazelnuts Global Statistical Review

Turkey Harvest began in September with approximately two weeks delay and…

Cashews Global Statistical Review

Northern Hemisphere Crops As reported by industry sources, weather conditions…

Global Statistical Review, Dates

Following the prior year’s upward trend and due to new plantings, total…

Global Statistical Review, Pecans

Mexico While most of the major producing areas recently received several…

Global Statistical Review, Walnuts

China Weather conditions for the incoming crop have been excellent, with…

Global Statistical Review, Pistachios

USA Estimated at 1.166 billion pounds (528,000 metric tons, in-shell basis),…