INC Reaches Chinese Consumers with Dissemination Plan
In July the INC launched its multi-country campaign kicking off with China. The campaign is focused on targeting a Gen-Z audience and is run across China’s most popular social networks WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin (TikTok) as well as counting on the impact of KOLs (influencers). To date, the campaign has reached over 4 million Gen-Zs in China and is set to reach over 20 million in the coming months. On TikTok, videos have gained nearly half a million plays and generated a number of comments asking about nuts and dried fruits. As of today, KOLs have also joined the campaign reaching over 2 million people and gaining many interactions (likes, comments, and shares) on their posts. The campaign will continue into next year sharing consumption moments, health benefits and debunking myths about nuts and dried fruits all with the aim to help boost consumption.
Another Successful INC Pavilion at SIAL Wraps Up
The INC has officially returned from SIAL Paris, and the pavilion was without a doubt a major success, bringing together the global nut and dried fruit industry under the INC umbrella. Co-exhibitors were able to connect with new and existing clients alike and take advantage of everything that the INC Pavilion has to offer. Moreover, the Cocktail on Sunday, October 16 created an excellent relaxed environment for co-exhibitors and INC Members to do business and network. [Pictures] [Video]
INC Hosts NUTS 2022 at Headquarters
From October 20-21, 2022, the world’s leading researchers gathered for NUTS 2022 to discuss the current and future of health research on nuts and dried fruits. It took place in Reus, Spain, at the Headquarters of the International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC). Chaired by Prof. Jordi Salas-Salvadó, Chairman of the INC World Forum for Nutrition Research and Dissemination and Distinguished Professor of Nutrition and ICREA-Acadèmia Researcher at Universitat Rovira i Virgili, NUTS 2022 is a historic gathering of the brightest minds in the field of nutrition research on nuts and dried fruits. This event is designed to summarize all of the current evidence related to the health benefits of nuts and dried fruits, and then take a look toward the future by defining gaps, topics, needs, and opportunities for research. [Read more]
INC Launches New Industry Website
The INC website helps build our brand and with a new design, it becomes more user-friendly and provides a clearer picture of the INC. The new website features an updated menu showcasing the INC’s activities, a restructuring of key content exclusive to members, and a more operational members area where you can find all your usual content. And don’t forget to reset your password to access the member’s area of the new web! Visit the INC web now! [New Website]
INC Funded Health Study Published
We are pleased to announce that an INC-funded study, ‘Effects of daily tree nut consumption on cognitive function, metabolomics and intestinal microbiota’ has been published in the Journal of Nutrition. This research was one of the recipients of the 2017 INC Call for Research Projects. The study showed that after 4 weeks of consumption of nuts in healthy adults, there are positive effects on cognitive function as well as microbial taxa associated with gut health. [See Study]
INC Shares Update on Almond Crops
The second Almond Board of California Position Report of the 2022/23 crop year (August 2022-July 2023) showed receipts of 978.5 million pounds (approx. 443,850 metric tons) of kernel weight through September 30, 2022, 8% lower than in 2021. Shipments were strong in August while in September, total shipments lagged as compared to 2021. Export shipments in September amounted to about 137 million lbs. (≈62,000 MT), down 16% from the prior year. On a year-to-date basis, helped by the August record, exports added up to nearly 300 million lbs. (≈136,000 MT) through September, just about -1.6% vs. 2021. Domestic shipments in September (52 million lbs./23,500 MT) were down 19% and below 10% YTD (117 million lbs./53,000 MT) vs. 2021. [Read more]
Update on Pistachio Crops Disseminated by the INC
As the California 2022/23 harvest was ramping up towards the end, early indications were projecting a smaller crop of around 363-409,000 metric tons (800-900 million pounds). High heat and drought conditions are expected to negatively impact quality, with harvest indicating increased closed shells and additional staining. Global demand is anticipated to remain strong, with US shipments the past crop year over 379,000 MT (837 million lbs.) driven by strong exports, a 17% increase from the year before. As reported by the Iran Pistachio Association, the 2022 pre‐harvest forecast amounted to 115,000 MT of dried in‐shell pistachios. Total exports for the 2021/22 marketing year stood at 105,000 MT (in-shell equivalent), 31% below the past four years average, and accounted for 75% of the marketable inventory. [Read more]
INC Highlights Walnut Crop Update
Chinese crop, forecasted at 1.4 million metric tons (in-shell basis) is reported above average from all origins except Yunnan, where the harvest was delayed due to unfavorable weather. In the rest of the producing regions harvest started normally, with smaller sizes but higher yields. The COVID-19 periodical mass quarantine has caused harvest, processing, logistic, consumption and export to slow down. As reported by the California Walnut Board and Commission, 2022 production is forecasted at 720,000 short tons in-shell basis (≈653,200 metric tons), down 1% from 2021’s crop. The 2022 Chilean crop ended up in line with the original Chilenut estimation of 170,000 MT. Quality was similar to previous years; 92% is extra light and light color and size 30+, yield is up to 49.9% for Chandler. [Read more]
INC Shares Update on Cashew Crops
As reported by industry sources, weather conditions (La Niña) caused a visible negative impact on the northern hemisphere crop yields as well as on the kernel outturn, especially in India, Vietnam and Cambodia. La Niña established again for the 2022/2023 boreal winter; and may affect the upcoming harvest in the northern hemisphere, as well as the ongoing harvest in the southern hemisphere, Brazil and Indonesia in particular. [Read more]
Update on Hazelnut Crops Disseminated by the INC
The Blacksea Exporters’ Association Turkish hazelnut crop estimation of 830,628 metric tons (in-shell basis) is expected to remain valid. The first indications of kernel size distribution and yield performances are optimum. The Italian crop was revised down to around 100,000 MT, mainly due to the drought and rainfall during harvest that has impacted the final quality. New bearing acres continue to come online in Oregon, resulting in what will likely be another record crop of around 75,000 MT, according to industry sources. [Read more]
INC Highlights Pecan Crop Update
According to COMENUEZ, the Mexican 2022 crop is forecasted at 145,151 MT, 12% more than in 2021. The US National Pecan Sheller’s Association, forecasted a 2022 crop of 137,893 MT. While the industry is forecasting a slightly larger supply than in 2021, increased fertilizer, fuel, finance, labor and transportation costs should prevent a significant change in current market prices. Kernel quality is expected to be good for both origins. [Read more]
INC Chairman Presents at the 2022 Australian Almond Conference
On October 12, INC Chairman, Michael Waring presented a snapshot of the nut industry during the 2022 Australian Almond Conference. Mr. Waring was invited to represent the International Nut and Dried Fruit Council, as the official voice of the global nut and dried fruit industry.
Mr. Waring’s presentation highlighted the world tree nut production and consumption, Chinese demand, Indian imports, and other emerging markets like LATAM. The presentation then touched on the Gen Z consumer and their importance, and how that is driving the INC’s multi-year dissemination campaign. Lastly, Mr. Waring discussed the INC’s Sustainability Projects. [Read more]
INC Executive Director Speaks at Spanish Almond Board Event
INC Executive Director, Goretti Guasch was invited to speak at the VII Almond and Hazelnut Meeting organized in Spain by the Spanish Almond Board on October 3.
During Mrs. Guasch’s presentation, she touched on the global supply and demand of nuts and dried fruits as well as the challenges currently facing the industry. She then moved on to the results of consumer research on Gen Z carried out by the INC and explained how Gen Z is a powerful consumer group for nuts and dried fruits as we move forward. And finally, she discussed the INC’s plans to launch regional marketing campaigns in China, India, and Latin America. [Read more]
INC Sends Position Letter to European Commission
On September 21, 2022, the Expert Group for Agricultural Markets of the European Commission Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) discussed the revision of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 543/2011. This regulation lays down detailed rules for the application of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 in respect to the fruit, vegetables and processed fruit sectors. The INC has sent a position letter to the European Commission, as there is concern that such revision might impact the nut and dried fruit industry. [Read more]
INC Shares FDA Proposed Rule on Food Labeling
On September 28, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a proposed rule to update the definition for the implied nutrient content claim “healthy”, which was set in 1994. This rule, if approved, will revise the requirements for when the term “healthy” can be used as an implied claim in food labeling.
INC Provides Insights on Study of Nuts and Cardiovascular Health
A recent study published in the journal Cardiovascular Diabetology set out to examine in more detail how nut consumption affects those at high risk for cardiovascular disease. The study took a deeper look at advanced measures of lipoprotein atherogenicity by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and insulin resistance in older individuals with high cardiovascular risk.
INC Disseminates New Research on Kilojoules from Nuts
Research from Australia’s University of Wollongong has found that nuts may provide up to 26% less kilojoules than what was previously thought. The study explores flaws in how kilojoules are counted for tree nuts and peanuts. The research included a systematic literature review (SLR) of 13 controlled, feeding trials, where participants were followed on either a control diet or a diet including nuts.
INC Shares Latest Sustainability News
The latest sustainability update from the INC highlights the recently published UN Global Compact China strategy which aims to maximize China’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals, an EU ban of products made with forced labor within the EU market, the new EU common agricultural policy, environmental law implementation, and new rules on recycled plastic in food packaging in the EU. Additionally, the highlight mentions Spain’s new nutritional and sustainable dietary guidelines. [Sustainability Update]
International Trade News Monitored by INC
Read the most recent news on international trade from around the globe including Brazil, Egypt, Georgia, Malaysia, Uganda, and the United States. Updates cover transit tolls for the Suez Canal, a new program in Georgia to boost agricultural exports, opportunities for US exports in Malaysia, new standards for cashews and dried fruits in Uganda, and the first-ever agricultural trade mission by the USA in Spain and Portugal. [International Trade News]
Food Safety and Labeling Updates Shared by INC
The food safety update includes news on new draft MRLs in the European Union, proposed changes to increase import controls and emergency measures in the United Kingdom, and established pesticide tolerances for glufosinate in multiple commodities including dried figs. On the labeling side, updates include front-of-pack nutrition labeling news in the European Union and an update on food labeling guidance in the United Kingdom. [Foody Safety] [Labeling Update]